Graham was delighted to meet staff and residents at Bredon Respite Care Service, based in Palacefields.
Graham said: "I was so pleased to visit the Service which provides short-term respite care for adults, aged 18-65, with learning disabilities, autism and complex needs.
"I met with Gill Evans, Registered Manager learn more about the fantastic contribution that Bredon Respite makes to the Halton and wider communities, and to arrange a visit to the service.
"I was given a guided tour of the service by Gill, and Support Workers Deborah Studley and Alison Dybell, who talked me through the assistive technologies used, and the therapeutic benefits these offer to guests. He was then shown the service’s beautifully developed accessible gardens, which include a mural depicting the Halton community, designed by local artist Natalie McGahan.
"I was so impressed by their passion for making a difference to the lives of the people they support, and giving their loved ones the well-earned rest they need from their caring responsibilities.
"Gill described the effect these break can have on a families, particularly when they have not used respite services before; explaining that there can be a great deal of anxiety around leaving a loved one for the first time. In most cases these concerns are short-lived, and families often find that respite care transforms their lives, as knowing that their loved one is safe and happy at Bredon brings them a lot of comfort and security.
"Not only does this allow them to make plans for the future that they had previously been unable to do, such as going on holidays, but it also gives them the opportunity to meet other families who use the service."